FSJ Christamarianne Mission Hospital is a Level 6 facility located at the heart of Kisii County. For over 30 years we have served thousands of clients with care and medical support through skilled medical experts and use of advanced medical technology.
We pride ourselves as one of the best facilities to offer the most comprehensive primary, speciality and subspecialty care in the region and beyond.
In addition, we are committed to excellence in providing quality of healthcare services to our clientele because we understand what timeliness and effectiveness of service delivery means to our esteemed customers and believe that there is always room for improvement.
Our admirable relationship with our highly trained staff and clientele, our unwavering commitment to quality health care services and our progression in advanced medical technology utilization has significantly contributed in the propulsion of the hospital to build a positive, progressive and unquestionable reputation in the healthcare sector. Ultimately our aim is to inspire, aid and enable the provision of exceptional patient care.
To inculcate healthy practices in the region and beyond through promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and spiritual care to everyone.
To be the leading healthcare facility in the region and beyond.
To be the leading healthcare provider in the region by putting up the necessary infrastructure to aid the hospital achieve the overall strategic focus- being the best healthcare service provider in the region.
Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph (Asumbi) Christamarianne Mission Hospital is a faith based organization of the Catholic Church located in Milimani area of Kisii Township.
The Hospital was established in the 1980s by Dr. Charles Gekonge and his wife Dr. Christa Marianne. Later on it was fully acquired by the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph Asumbi in the year 2005; which takes part in its full management and day to day operations. Currently Christamarianne Mission Hospital is a level 5 facility serving over 300 patients per day.
Moreover, CMH is NHIF accredited and has a bed capacity of 170 spaced in the Private, Semi-Private and Common Wards. In addition there exist three Operating Theatres, An Ultramodern Laboratory, Radiology and CT scan Services, Renal Unit amongst others